Sunday, October 3, 2010

I have renewed my Equator Certification

Brandon Jordan is an "Equator Certified" Short Sale and REO Realtor in Northwest Florida

"Equator provides the most versatile and comprehensive system available" this is the google description for their websites listing.

Equator Products

> EQ Marketplace
The Default and REO Industry's connection point where Lenders, Outsourcers, Vendors and Agents transact online in a secure and transparent environment.

> Lender Workstation
The most versatile and comprehensive Workstation available to manage and sell REO properties. This real-time Workstation uses configurable "Best Practice" business logic, connects with current systems and provides distributed workflows for everyone to work together online.

> Outsource Workstation
The most versatile and comprehensive system available to manage and sell REO properties. All the Workstation's features with the added benefit of multi-client support. Configure each client's business and decision logic. Also, provide clients real-time online reporting.

> Agent Workstation
A comprehensive Workstation with everything Agents need to receive listings, manage and sell REO properties.

> Vendor Workstation
A comprehensive Workstation with everything Vendors need to receive, process, communicate and deliver your products and services electronically.

> Foreclosure Listing Service (FLS)
Equator Foreclosure Listing Service (FLS) is a Nationwide Marketplace for Lenders, Institutional Sellers and REO Agents to list and transact on their Foreclosed Homes.

- August 2010 -
Lenders Listed
New Properties Through