I received this in the mail this week in Walton county Florida. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walton_County,_Florida while there is not yet a chapter in Walton county there is chapters in each surrounding county with Okaloosa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okaloosa_County,_Florida and Bay county https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_County,_Florida https://pflag.org/chapter/pflag-panama-city in the Florida panhandle area. The local chapter in Okaloosa is https://pflag.org/chapter/pflag-niceville but we meet in Valparaiso. During Covid there hasnt been in person meetings but virtual meetings have started with PFLAG connects https://pflag.org/pflag-connects here is a video link if your interested in the PFLAG connects https://vimeo.com/455961140 If you are looking for a new blog to follow here is a link to their blog as well. https://pflag.org/blog