Monday, December 26, 2022

Crypto Crypto Crypto adding coins to your wallet referral link


If you have CNBC on in the background while writing contracts and or answering emails and texts you likely have heard of crypto coins at this point I think you would have a hard time finding anyone that watches any financial networks or news channels that havent had multiple stories at this point. 

CNBC has went so far as to starting a CNBC world, Bloomberg similar has a streaming service you can catch up on at anytime crypto. 

I had previously written about starting out to set up your crypto wallet here 

The next step is getting some coins that you can use to either stake or swap for other coins on exchanges or buy nfts and pay for gas fees etc. The nice thing that struck me about cryptos beginning was the sense of community of people talking about and excited for the future of the technology those communications articles, tweets, posts companies shared in this growth and excitement as more people that transacted the better it is for their platform to pickup transaction fees by members and to have funds on their platform under management custodial but thats for a another post. Some companies offered a signup reward to get started like Coinbase.


There will be others that offer signup bonus and you can have multiple wallets to take advantage of the bonus sign up however I recommend checking out if they are members of FinCen and also if they are registered as a Money Service Business thats not 100% assurance but not many things in life are, I did do that search myself when signing up with celsisus they were registered with fincen and with the state of Delaware just a side note. this is my referral link that will get you 10.00 in bitcoin to start out for joining Coinbase click the see terms link under their signup **full disclosure they send me 10.00 too if you use the link setting up your account. **