Saturday, January 7, 2023

Spoke on the topic of nfts and crypto on AR Zoom weekly


I was invited a few weeks ago to plan to speak on the upcoming Zoom weekly meeting with ActiveRain, while I have written thousands of post in the Rain this was my first time giving a presentation on a zoom call to a group thank you to Eileen Burns for the invitation to speak today on the topic of Crypto and nfts. I started a group here on ActiveRain and intend to tag post about the topics of nft and related along with #web3 wallets and coins when I post about them. I know this topic isnt for everyone but do believe with the Dodd Frank act being implemented and banks needing to have all assets on blockchain this will be something that is coming for the future of real estate and its good to plan ahead. 


The adoption takes sometime for the banks to do private blockchain and public parts of the chain as a hybrid to beta test the formfree Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac approved usage of personal info on the chain for underwriter desktop appraisals and valuations. 


Thank you to Debe Maxwell, CRS for starting things off today as I understand she always does and to George Souto for the blogpost being featured on the homepage my first time on the homepage, along with thanks for the intro today.

Thank you to Kathy Streib for the questions and helping fill in with moderation. 

I know there was a lot to cover and wanted to split the time between presentation and questions, lots of good questions today.  Thank you @myra for helping with moving through the slideshow.

I invite everyone to the NFT group to keep up with new things nft and crypto, metaverse and thank you to everyone for the questions today. Feel free to comment here or reach out if you have questions or send a comment on one of the post on a topic in the group your interested in if I can help with something.