Directions: From Hwy 85 South travel North into Crestview, take Hwy 90 E and this parcel is on the left just past the County Jail.
Legal Description: E1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 N OF HY; BEG NW COR SE1/4 OF NW1/4 E 210 FT S TO HY NW ALONG HY 210 FT N TO BEG; S 3A OF E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF NW1/4 DB 58 PG 480 LESS PART SOLD
Priced for a quick sale, listed 70,000 under most recent appraised value from last year. Estimated 6.4 acres zoned C1. A conventional amendment should provide 15 units per acre density. The Seller has created a preliminary site plan to start for 50 apartments/100 parking spaces if desired to go larger units on smaller scale 10 per acre. There are some dated rental properties and a residence on the property but no value is given to the buildings. Lots of frontage on Highway 90 East. This parcel has lots of possibilities: shops, offices, restaurant, apartments, etc.