Remarks: ''ROOKS BLUFF FISH CAMP'' is one of the few remaining privately owned tracts fronting the Choctawhatchee River. This parcel has a total of 11.488 ACRES, W/ over 700' of River front!(THE MAJORITY OF THE RIVERFRONT IS NOW OWNED BY THE NWFWMD) This property has a magnificent view from its high bluff setting. It is the last boat launch on the river before you get to Ebro. Launch your boat here and you are only 7+ miles to the bay. Value of this property is in the land. improvements are given no value they will convey in as is condition. Improvements include 3 wells, 1 ARTESIAN WELL, concrete boat launch, power & water in small camping area adjacent to boat launch for RV/camper use, 2 septic tanks, mobile home and outbuildings. Call to take a look today.